Siegel, J., & Siegel, A. (2015). Getting to the bottom of L2 listening instruction: Making a case for bottom-up activities. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 5(4), 637-662.
Turan Öztürk, D., & Tekin, S. (2020). Encouraging extensive listening in language learning. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 14, 80-93.
Reading questions – feel free to comment on these questions, the readings, the interview or anything else relevant to teaching listening in the comments section at the end of this page
- The two articles deal with very different kinds of listening activities. Consider how these are relevant for your students.
- What is the point of teaching listening?
- Think about the way you yourself listen to material in a language you are not very proficient in. What helps you to understand the material? Possible answers may be: visual aids, seeing the text that is being read, seeing the face/lips of the speaker. How does this kind of listening develop the student’s proficiency in the target language?
For the Teaching Listening module, CIRCLE has the pleasure of sharing an interview with another colleague at Stockholm University, this time from the English Dept, Dr. Joseph Siegel.
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